Norway's exchange rates - Norges Bank (NB) exchange rates

Currency 24.04.2024 Variation 23.04.2024
EUR Euro 1 11.7330 +0,0020 11.7310
USD Dollar 1 10.9798 -0,0105 10.9903
GBP British pound 1 13.6518 +0,0190 13.6328
CHF Swiss franc 100 1200.4300 -5,9700 1206.4000
SEK Swedish krona 100 100.9500 -0,1500 101.1000
DKK Danish krone 100 157.3300 +0,0900 157.2400
ISK Icelandic krona 100 7.8100 0,0000 - 7.8100
AUD Australian Dollar 1 7.1451 +0,0509 7.0942
CAD Canadian dollar 1 8.0209 -0,0014 8.0223
CZK Czech koruna 100 46.4820 +0,0340 46.4480
BRL Brazilian real 1 2.1389 +0,0155 2.1234
CNY Chinese yuan 100 151.5300 -0,1300 151.6600
HKD Hong Kong dollar 1 1.4018 -0,0008 1.4026
HUF Hungarian forint 100 2.9828 +0,0026 2.9802
IDR Indonesian rupiah 100 0.0679 +0,0001 0.0678
ILS Israeli shekel 1 2.9086 +0,0065 2.9021
INR Indian rupee 100 13.1770 -0,0120 13.1890
JPY Japanese yen 100 7.0864 -0,0134 7.0998
KRW South Korean won 100 0.7982 +0,0008 0.7974
MXN Mexican peso 100 64.8900 +0,6900 64.2000
MYR Malaysian ringgit 1 2.2980 -0,0012 2.2992
NZD New Zealand dollar 1 6.5147 +0,0145 6.5002
PHP Philippine peso 100 19.0820 -0,0110 19.0930
PKR Pakistanian rupee 100 3.9440 +0,0010 3.9430
PLN Polish zloty 1 2.7164 -0,0018 2.7182
RON Romanian leu 100 235.8100 +0,0600 235.7500
BGN Bulgarian lev 100 599.9100 +0,1000 599.8100
SGD Singapore dollar 1 8.0656 -0,0008 8.0664
THB Thai baht 100 29.6270 -0,0450 29.6720
TRY Turkish lira 100 33.7600 +0,0300 33.7300
TWD Taiwan dollar 100 33.6790 -0,0360 33.7150
ZAR South African rand 1 0.5722 +0,0009 0.5713

Norges Bank (NB) exchange rate for 24 April 2024

On Wednesday, the national currency (NOK) continued to depreciate with respect to the Euro. Thusly, the NB has shown an exchange rate of 11.7330 Krone for the Euro and of 10.9798 Krone for the American Dollar.

Here are the links to the exchange rate for 24 April 2024 and to exchange rate for 23 April 2024

Norges Bank exchange rate

Norges Bank is changing the publication time of daily exchange rates from around 14:30 CET to around 16:00 CET as of 1 July 2016.

The published exchange rates will continue to be a point-in-time snapshot at 14:15 CET. The change is being made as a result of the change in publication time by the European Central Bank (ECB) of the euro foreign exchange reference rates to 16:00 CET.

The key interest rate = 4.25%
Applicable from 03.11.2023
The key interest rate is set eight times a year by the Committee for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability.
