Turkish lira exchange rate - TRY to NOK

Turkish lira exchange rate evolution chart

(26 Jul 2024): 100 TRY = 33.3500 (NOK)

Date Value (NOK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 33.3500 -0,3000
25 Jul 2024 33.6500 +0,1500
24 Jul 2024 33.5000 +0,0400
23 Jul 2024 33.4600 +0,2700
22 Jul 2024 33.1900 +0,3300
19 Jul 2024 32.8600 +0,3800
18 Jul 2024 32.4800 -0,0100
17 Jul 2024 32.4900 -0,1700
16 Jul 2024 32.6600 +0,0800
15 Jul 2024 32.5800 +0,0400
12 Jul 2024 32.5400 -0,1800
11 Jul 2024 32.7200 +0,0900
10 Jul 2024 32.6300 +0,3600
09 Jul 2024 32.2700 -0,0400
08 Jul 2024 32.3100 -0,0200
05 Jul 2024 32.3300 -0,0800
04 Jul 2024 32.4100 -0,2800
03 Jul 2024 32.6900 -0,0400
02 Jul 2024 32.7300 +0,1700
01 Jul 2024 32.5600 +0,1700
28 Jun 2024 32.3900 -0,0200
27 Jun 2024 32.4100 +0,0400
26 Jun 2024 32.3700 +0,3000
25 Jun 2024 32.0700 (min) -0,0800
24 Jun 2024 32.1500 +0,0600
21 Jun 2024 32.0900 -0,0100
20 Jun 2024 32.1000 -0,3600
19 Jun 2024 32.4600 -0,2700
18 Jun 2024 32.7300 +0,0900
17 Jun 2024 32.6400 -0,0500
14 Jun 2024 32.6900 -0,1300
13 Jun 2024 32.8200 -0,0800
12 Jun 2024 32.9000 -0,1800
11 Jun 2024 33.0800 +0,0700
10 Jun 2024 33.0100 +0,3500
07 Jun 2024 32.6600 -0,1700
06 Jun 2024 32.8300 +0,2600
05 Jun 2024 32.5700 -0,0500
04 Jun 2024 32.6200 - 0,0000
03 Jun 2024 32.6200 +0,0700
31 May 2024 32.5500 -0,1300
30 May 2024 32.6800 +0,0500
29 May 2024 32.6300 +0,0600
28 May 2024 32.5700 -0,1400
27 May 2024 32.7100 -0,1800
24 May 2024 32.8900 -0,0400
23 May 2024 32.9300 -0,3100
22 May 2024 33.2400 +0,1200
21 May 2024 33.1200 -0,1500
16 May 2024 33.2700 -0,0400
15 May 2024 33.3100 -0,2400
14 May 2024 33.5500 -0,0400
13 May 2024 33.5900 -0,0100
10 May 2024 33.6000 -0,3200
08 May 2024 33.9200 +0,2500
07 May 2024 33.6700 +0,1200
06 May 2024 33.5500 -0,1400
03 May 2024 33.6900 -0,5000
02 May 2024 34.1900 (max) +0,1500
30 Apr 2024 34.0400 +0,0900
29 Apr 2024 33.9500 +0,0500
26 Apr 2024 33.9000 +0,2800
25 Apr 2024 33.6200 -0,1400
24 Apr 2024 33.7600 +0,0300
23 Apr 2024 33.7300 -0,1400
22 Apr 2024 33.8700 -0,0100
19 Apr 2024 33.8800 +0,0600
18 Apr 2024 33.8200 +0,0200
17 Apr 2024 33.8000 +0,0300
16 Apr 2024 33.7700 +0,1000
15 Apr 2024 33.6700 +0,0200
12 Apr 2024 33.6500 +0,1000
11 Apr 2024 33.5500 +0,5300
10 Apr 2024 33.0200 -0,1200
09 Apr 2024 33.1400 -0,1200
08 Apr 2024 33.2600 -0,2700
05 Apr 2024 33.5300 -0,0300
04 Apr 2024 33.5600 -0,2900
03 Apr 2024 33.8500 +0,0200
02 Apr 2024 33.8300 +0,3600

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Turkish lira exchange rate
100 TRY = 34.1900 (NOK)
Date: 02 May 2024

Minimum Turkish lira exchange rate
100 TRY = 32.0700 (NOK)
Date: 25 June 2024

Average Turkish lira exchange rate
100 TRY = 33.0685 (NOK)

Display only turkish lira exchange rate without the data table.
