Hungarian forint exchange rate - HUF to NOK

Hungarian forint exchange rate evolution chart

(26 Jul 2024): 100 HUF = 3.0533 (NOK)

Date Value (NOK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 3.0533 -0,0185
25 Jul 2024 3.0718 (max) +0,0353
24 Jul 2024 3.0365 -0,0277
23 Jul 2024 3.0642 +0,0066
22 Jul 2024 3.0576 +0,0324
19 Jul 2024 3.0252 +0,0108
18 Jul 2024 3.0144 +0,0095
17 Jul 2024 3.0049 -0,0011
16 Jul 2024 3.0060 +0,0056
15 Jul 2024 3.0004 +0,0143
12 Jul 2024 2.9861 +0,0232
11 Jul 2024 2.9629 +0,0071
10 Jul 2024 2.9558 +0,0487
09 Jul 2024 2.9071 +0,0043
08 Jul 2024 2.9028 -0,0135
05 Jul 2024 2.9163 +0,0188
04 Jul 2024 2.8975 -0,0027
03 Jul 2024 2.9002 -0,0016
02 Jul 2024 2.9018 +0,0022
01 Jul 2024 2.8996 +0,0151
28 Jun 2024 2.8845 +0,0184
27 Jun 2024 2.8661 -0,0075
26 Jun 2024 2.8736 +0,0134
25 Jun 2024 2.8602 -0,0176
24 Jun 2024 2.8778 +0,0389
21 Jun 2024 2.8389 (min) -0,0025
20 Jun 2024 2.8414 -0,0233
19 Jun 2024 2.8647 -0,0326
18 Jun 2024 2.8973 -0,0014
17 Jun 2024 2.8987 +0,0338
14 Jun 2024 2.8649 -0,0183
13 Jun 2024 2.8832 -0,0179
12 Jun 2024 2.9011 -0,0107
11 Jun 2024 2.9118 -0,0089
10 Jun 2024 2.9207 -0,0327
07 Jun 2024 2.9534 +0,0098
06 Jun 2024 2.9436 +0,0143
05 Jun 2024 2.9293 +0,0005
04 Jun 2024 2.9288 +0,0191
03 Jun 2024 2.9097 -0,0178
31 May 2024 2.9275 -0,0014
30 May 2024 2.9289 -0,0206
29 May 2024 2.9495 -0,0305
28 May 2024 2.9800 +0,0128
27 May 2024 2.9672 -0,0172
24 May 2024 2.9844 +0,0092
23 May 2024 2.9752 -0,0102
22 May 2024 2.9854 -0,0198
21 May 2024 3.0052 -0,0095
16 May 2024 3.0147 -0,0032
15 May 2024 3.0179 -0,0076
14 May 2024 3.0255 +0,0074
13 May 2024 3.0181 +0,0073
10 May 2024 3.0108 -0,0125
08 May 2024 3.0233 +0,0165
07 May 2024 3.0068 +0,0107
06 May 2024 2.9961 -0,0141
03 May 2024 3.0102 -0,0344
02 May 2024 3.0446 +0,0204
30 Apr 2024 3.0242 +0,0154
29 Apr 2024 3.0088 +0,0009
26 Apr 2024 3.0079 +0,0271
25 Apr 2024 2.9808 -0,0020
24 Apr 2024 2.9828 +0,0026
23 Apr 2024 2.9802 +0,0052
22 Apr 2024 2.9750 -0,0012
19 Apr 2024 2.9762 -0,0034
18 Apr 2024 2.9796 +0,0035
17 Apr 2024 2.9761 +0,0178
16 Apr 2024 2.9583 +0,0094
15 Apr 2024 2.9489 -0,0098
12 Apr 2024 2.9587 -0,0218
11 Apr 2024 2.9805 +0,0085
10 Apr 2024 2.9720 -0,0067
09 Apr 2024 2.9787 +0,0127
08 Apr 2024 2.9660 -0,0106
05 Apr 2024 2.9766 +0,0108
04 Apr 2024 2.9658 +0,0009
03 Apr 2024 2.9649 +0,0056
02 Apr 2024 2.9593 +0,0047

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Hungarian forint exchange rate
100 HUF = 3.0718 (NOK)
Date: 25 July 2024

Minimum Hungarian forint exchange rate
100 HUF = 2.8389 (NOK)
Date: 21 June 2024

Average Hungarian forint exchange rate
100 HUF = 2.9601 (NOK)

Display only hungarian forint exchange rate without the data table.
