Malaysian ringgit exchange rate - MYR to NOK

Malaysian ringgit exchange rate evolution chart

(26 Jul 2024): 1 MYR = 2.3600 (NOK)

Date Value (NOK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 2.3600 -0,0279
25 Jul 2024 2.3879 (max) +0,0319
24 Jul 2024 2.3560 -0,0019
23 Jul 2024 2.3579 +0,0195
22 Jul 2024 2.3384 +0,0218
19 Jul 2024 2.3166 +0,0138
18 Jul 2024 2.3028 -0,0030
17 Jul 2024 2.3058 -0,0053
16 Jul 2024 2.3111 +0,0058
15 Jul 2024 2.3053 +0,0040
12 Jul 2024 2.3013 +0,0073
11 Jul 2024 2.2940 +0,0129
10 Jul 2024 2.2811 +0,0242
09 Jul 2024 2.2569 +0,0113
08 Jul 2024 2.2456 -0,0004
05 Jul 2024 2.2460 +0,0044
04 Jul 2024 2.2416 -0,0147
03 Jul 2024 2.2563 -0,0110
02 Jul 2024 2.2673 +0,0099
01 Jul 2024 2.2574 +0,0007
28 Jun 2024 2.2567 -0,0012
27 Jun 2024 2.2579 -0,0020
26 Jun 2024 2.2599 +0,0128
25 Jun 2024 2.2471 +0,0022
24 Jun 2024 2.2449 +0,0079
21 Jun 2024 2.2370 +0,0007
20 Jun 2024 2.2363 -0,0080
19 Jun 2024 2.2443 -0,0221
18 Jun 2024 2.2664 -0,0056
17 Jun 2024 2.2720 +0,0111
14 Jun 2024 2.2609 +0,0091
13 Jun 2024 2.2518 -0,0063
12 Jun 2024 2.2581 -0,0111
11 Jun 2024 2.2692 +0,0021
10 Jun 2024 2.2671 +0,0203
07 Jun 2024 2.2468 -0,0081
06 Jun 2024 2.2549 +0,0083
05 Jun 2024 2.2466 -0,0023
04 Jun 2024 2.2489 +0,0173
03 Jun 2024 2.2316 +0,0031
31 May 2024 2.2285 (min) -0,0136
30 May 2024 2.2421 +0,0064
29 May 2024 2.2357 +0,0024
28 May 2024 2.2333 -0,0080
27 May 2024 2.2413 -0,0095
24 May 2024 2.2508 -0,0046
23 May 2024 2.2554 -0,0242
22 May 2024 2.2796 +0,0075
21 May 2024 2.2721 -0,0158
16 May 2024 2.2879 +0,0032
15 May 2024 2.2847 -0,0079
14 May 2024 2.2926 +0,0061
13 May 2024 2.2865 +0,0013
10 May 2024 2.2852 -0,0224
08 May 2024 2.3076 +0,0143
07 May 2024 2.2933 +0,0088
06 May 2024 2.2845 -0,0145
03 May 2024 2.2990 -0,0294
02 May 2024 2.3284 +0,0176
30 Apr 2024 2.3108 +0,0052
29 Apr 2024 2.3056 -0,0044
26 Apr 2024 2.3100 +0,0228
25 Apr 2024 2.2872 -0,0108
24 Apr 2024 2.2980 -0,0012
23 Apr 2024 2.2992 -0,0076
22 Apr 2024 2.3068 -0,0019
19 Apr 2024 2.3087 +0,0110
18 Apr 2024 2.2977 +0,0031
17 Apr 2024 2.2946 +0,0043
16 Apr 2024 2.2903 +0,0073
15 Apr 2024 2.2830 +0,0025
12 Apr 2024 2.2805 -0,0004
11 Apr 2024 2.2809 +0,0375
10 Apr 2024 2.2434 -0,0037
09 Apr 2024 2.2471 -0,0068
08 Apr 2024 2.2539 -0,0025
05 Apr 2024 2.2564 -0,0014
04 Apr 2024 2.2578 -0,0159
03 Apr 2024 2.2737 -0,0172
02 Apr 2024 2.2909 +0,0088

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 2.3879 (NOK)
Date: 25 July 2024

Minimum Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 2.2285 (NOK)
Date: 31 May 2024

Average Malaysian ringgit exchange rate
1 MYR = 2.2777 (NOK)

Display only malaysian ringgit exchange rate without the data table.
