Pakistanian rupee exchange rate - PKR to NOK

Pakistanian rupee exchange rate evolution chart

(26 Jul 2024): 100 PKR = 3.9490 (NOK)

Date Value (NOK) Variation
26 Jul 2024 3.9490 -0,0510
25 Jul 2024 4.0000 (max) +0,0470
24 Jul 2024 3.9530 -0,0040
23 Jul 2024 3.9570 +0,0240
22 Jul 2024 3.9330 +0,0280
19 Jul 2024 3.9050 +0,0410
18 Jul 2024 3.8640 +0,0040
17 Jul 2024 3.8600 -0,0190
16 Jul 2024 3.8790 +0,0070
15 Jul 2024 3.8720 +0,0120
12 Jul 2024 3.8600 +0,0010
11 Jul 2024 3.8590 +0,0100
10 Jul 2024 3.8490 +0,0330
09 Jul 2024 3.8160 +0,0200
08 Jul 2024 3.7960 -0,0010
05 Jul 2024 3.7970 +0,0060
04 Jul 2024 3.7910 -0,0340
03 Jul 2024 3.8250 -0,0190
02 Jul 2024 3.8440 +0,0210
01 Jul 2024 3.8230 -0,0020
28 Jun 2024 3.8250 -0,0020
27 Jun 2024 3.8270 -0,0020
26 Jun 2024 3.8290 +0,0330
25 Jun 2024 3.7960 - 0,0000
24 Jun 2024 3.7960 +0,0110
21 Jun 2024 3.7850 +0,0040
20 Jun 2024 3.7810 -0,0120
19 Jun 2024 3.7930 -0,0430
18 Jun 2024 3.8360 -0,0130
17 Jun 2024 3.8490 +0,0180
14 Jun 2024 3.8310 +0,0270
13 Jun 2024 3.8040 -0,0200
12 Jun 2024 3.8240 -0,0230
11 Jun 2024 3.8470 +0,0030
10 Jun 2024 3.8440 +0,0540
07 Jun 2024 3.7900 -0,0070
06 Jun 2024 3.7970 +0,0040
05 Jun 2024 3.7930 -0,0080
04 Jun 2024 3.8010 +0,0350
03 Jun 2024 3.7660 (min) -0,0030
31 May 2024 3.7690 -0,0210
30 May 2024 3.7900 +0,0130
29 May 2024 3.7770 +0,0100
28 May 2024 3.7670 -0,0160
27 May 2024 3.7830 -0,0290
24 May 2024 3.8120 -0,0010
23 May 2024 3.8130 -0,0300
22 May 2024 3.8430 +0,0140
21 May 2024 3.8290 -0,0200
16 May 2024 3.8490 -0,0160
15 May 2024 3.8650 -0,0240
14 May 2024 3.8890 - 0,0000
13 May 2024 3.8890 -0,0060
10 May 2024 3.8950 -0,0400
08 May 2024 3.9350 +0,0290
07 May 2024 3.9060 +0,0150
06 May 2024 3.8910 -0,0260
03 May 2024 3.9170 -0,0600
02 May 2024 3.9770 +0,0160
30 Apr 2024 3.9610 +0,0130
29 Apr 2024 3.9480 -0,0080
26 Apr 2024 3.9560 +0,0320
25 Apr 2024 3.9240 -0,0200
24 Apr 2024 3.9440 +0,0010
23 Apr 2024 3.9430 -0,0170
22 Apr 2024 3.9600 -0,0080
19 Apr 2024 3.9680 +0,0220
18 Apr 2024 3.9460 -0,0030
17 Apr 2024 3.9490 +0,0060
16 Apr 2024 3.9430 +0,0210
15 Apr 2024 3.9220 +0,0090
12 Apr 2024 3.9130 +0,0170
11 Apr 2024 3.8960 +0,0640
10 Apr 2024 3.8320 -0,0060
09 Apr 2024 3.8380 -0,0110
08 Apr 2024 3.8490 -0,0050
05 Apr 2024 3.8540 +0,0040
04 Apr 2024 3.8500 -0,0390
03 Apr 2024 3.8890 -0,0320
02 Apr 2024 3.9210 +0,0370

Maximums, Minimums and Averages for the specified interval 27.03.2024 - 27.07.2024

Maximum Pakistanian rupee exchange rate
100 PKR = 4.0000 (NOK)
Date: 25 July 2024

Minimum Pakistanian rupee exchange rate
100 PKR = 3.7660 (NOK)
Date: 03 June 2024

Average Pakistanian rupee exchange rate
100 PKR = 3.8631 (NOK)

Display only pakistanian rupee exchange rate without the data table.
